Sampling Tuesday 24/04/2013

At 11am Tuesday Morgen and myself met and went to complete the sampling of the UEA Broad. 

We were using the pump that was installed last year to take water two samples at 1m in depth and at 4m in depth. Morgen then took the temperatures of the water – we had readings of around 11 Degrees Celsius which is warmer than previous weeks samples that were 9 Degrees Celsius, meaning the UEA Broad is gradually warming up with the relative warm weather we’ve been experiencing in the last week! 

Morgen then took the samples back to the Laboratory to complete some analysis. 

I’ve included below a few photo’s of our sampling for your interest.

(Image One: Morgen taking the temperature reading of the water) 

(Image Two: The sample taken from 1m depth having its temperature measured) 

(Image Three: The pump used to take water samples from the UEA Broad. The pump is connected to two pipes that are fitted in the Broad – either the 1m depth or 4m depth pipe) it is then flushed through first to get rid of any stagnant water that has settled in the pipe. Water is then collected and analysed) 

It is hoped that next Tuesday the team will be taking a small boat out onto the Broad which will be interesting and I’ll keep this site updated with what happens! 

~ by brooksclaire on April 24, 2013.

One Response to “Sampling Tuesday 24/04/2013”

  1. Reblogged this on Procrastinations of an EGID and commented:
    Hey Everyone!
    Yesterday I took part in some sampling on UEAs Broad as part of the Broad Time Series Project!

    I also did an almighty amount of revision for my Sustainability and Society Exam that I took this morning!! So now I’m going to try and crack on with Dynamic Earth Revision which is my next exam!!

    Being a first year Environmental Science is tough – a lot tougher than they made it out to be!!
    But keep smiling and keep going! Gotta’ love some Geography!

    Anyway, check out the Broad Time Series Blog too!!

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